My Soap-Making Journey: From Disaster to Passion
My current soap-making journey all began when two friends asked me to teach them to make soap. Although it had been more than 10 years since I had last made soap, I agreed to take on the challenge.
Our first batch was a disaster. The temperature of the lye solution was too hot, and the soap started seizing up. In the chaos of trying to save it, we forgot to add the essential oil! We ended up with a soap that was usable but not very pretty. I decided I needed to do some research before attempting a second batch. But I was hooked. One batch of hot-process soap led to many more, all in the name of 'practice makes perfect'.
I soon moved on to cold-process soap, and that's when the fun really began. I had always been hesitant to try cold-process soap, but soon found that having more control over design more than made up for the fear of soda ash and cracked loaves. If I thought I was hooked before, I now became obsessed. LOL.
I love to make soap! And I love that I can make soap that actually nourishes the skin! And I love that my customers love my soap! Every day, I am encouraged to pursue this soap-making journey and am so thankful for those two friends who got me started.